Raw hair vs. Virgin hair

 Our ultimate goal is for every person purchasing our product to feel like a true Goddess. We understand that some might not know the difference between Raw and Virgin hair, so here are some helpful tips.


Raw Hair:

 Raw hair is significantly different from virgin hair because it is unprocessed and not altered.

 Raw hair only comes in 3 textures. Straight, Natural Wavy, and Natural Curly. All of which are from one origin.

 Raw hair is of better quality and has extended longevity. Raw hair can last over four years with proper maintenance and care.


Virgin Hair:

 Virgin hair is steamed and processed to give the textures of body waves, deep waves, loose waves, etc.

 Virgin hair comes in a variety of origins and textures.

 Virgin hair typically lasts anywhere from 1-2 years with the proper care and maintenance.

Keep in mind, because the quality of Raw hair is so impeccable, quantities can be limited. Compared to virgin hair, which is always within reach. If you think you’ll love the natural elegance that Raw hair offers and can maintain the upkeep, then Raw hair would be best for you. On the other hand, if you like trendy textures and styles like kinky, curly, deep wave, body wave, etc., that needs less up keep then Virgin hair is the best choice for you. 

What is raw Indian hair?

Raw Indian hair is considered to be the finest quality of human hair on the market. Primarily because the hair is natural, unprocessed and cuticles are kept intact and not stripped. Raw hair is not chemically processed therefore you will never see raw hair with a identical uniform curl patter or a bone straight texture, no two bundles are the same. Women from India do not naturally grow hair in this manner. You will also notice with raw hair that hair colors can vary, women grow hair in different variations of colors of a black and brown decent.


What is raw Cambodian hair ?

Cambodia is a country on the Indochinese mainland of Southeast Asia. Cambodian hair comes from one donor from Cambodia.  Raw Cambodian hair is fuller, thicker and slightly more coarse in texture. Raw Cambodian hair is not chemically processed, you can bleach or dye your hair to any color you desire. Cambodian hair will have little to no shedding regardless of texture and can last 4+ years with proper care.


What is single donor hair?

Single donor hair is the purest form of hair you can come across, the hair is donated from one donor only. Naturally the cuticles on a person’s scalp grow in the same direction. When you use one donor it helps prevent hair tangling and damaged this is the only practical way to ensure cuticles are aligned by using one donor.


What is virgin hair ? 

Virgin hair is a term you will hear often in the world of hair extensions. Virgin hair is chemically unprocessed human hair, meaning the hair has not been permed, color treated, dyed, bleached or underwent any other chemical process. Virgin hair is cuticle aligned and may have more then one donor.


What is steamed processing?

Steam processing or steaming is a process on virgin hair that allows for the creation of those unique styles we’ve all grown to love the body wave, deep wave, silky straight, kinky straight, kinky curl, Italian curl and etc. Steamed processing is less harsh on the hair and if done correctly will improve the quality and longevity of the hair.



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